Our Teams
Management is doing things right
but leadership is doing the right things!
The Sales team at Classic Fine Foods has two priorities; our
customers and food! We are here everyday to make sure that your
needs are met, not only so that your service runs like clockwork
but also to make sure that your menu showcases the best
ingredients. Our producers from all over the world create
amazing products and we love to share them with you. So let’s
raise our glasses to you.
We are the face and personality of the company, we aspire to serve you the customer, exceed your expectations and make sure that your dealings with us are positive in every way. We serve up a fruity cocktail of top quality products when and where you want them and then add a splash of our extensive product knowledge. And in case you were wondering, we are also really fun to talk to!
We’re the guys and girls right behind the lines, but without us you
wouldn’t have the incredible range of the best and freshest produce
available to you. Your passion is not just for good food, but excellence
and we aim to find the dedicated men and women who believe in
producing that excellence and bringing it right to your door.
We are here to make sure you are aware of everything exciting that is
going on at Classic Fine Foods UK, including our latest product
launches, events, offers and so much more. We don’t want you
to miss out and want to help as well as inspire you to create the most
amazing dishes. We are the team behind the catalogues that are
delivered to you, the posts you see on Social Media, the emails you
receive in your inbox… and we hope that you love interacting with us
as much as we loved donning those chef’s toques!
Working in the Finance department is about achieving our business goals
and protecting the fruits of our labour. It's about stewardship; we must
consider the potential consequences of our decisions on profits, cash flow
and on the financial condition of the company. Every aspect of our business
has an impact on the company's financial performance and we are
the people who watch over it all. It all sounds pretty boring, so it’s just as well
that the team is made of up people who know how to let their hair down.
We’re the lifeguards… making sure the company stays afloat!
We pick, we pack, we put stock away, we prepare your orders,
quickly and efficiently. You can eat everything from the pig -
the hams, saucissons, we know where they all are and know
how to package them so they arrive in pristine condition. The
only thing we haven’t managed to get a hold on yet is the only
thing you can’t eat – the squeal!
We’re the guys you get to meet, the everyday face of Classic Fine Foods.
We do our best to please our customers in every way, driving through
the traffic as fast as we legally can so you get what you need when you
need it. We don’t want to be responsible for your lunchtime plans going
awry. We’re drivers, so naturally we do all that with a big smile,
a firm handshake and a “cheerio” till we get to see you again.
Are we looking a little sheepish? Not at all, it’s just that we’re not
used to being out in the daylight. We’re the team who carry on the
good work throughout the wee hours, so that the Drivers Team
can leave for their deliveries at the crack of dawn.